GEORGE LYNCH On Shadowtrain: Under A Crooked Sky Documentary - "It Has Been An Incredible Personal Journey; Nobody Is Making A Nickel On This Film"

March 23, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news george lynch

Guitar legend GEORGE LYNCH (T&N;, LYNCH MOB, ex-DOKKEN) is featured in a new interview with Jeb Wright at Classic Rock Revisited. An excerpt is available below.

Lynch has spent the last two and half years working on a film, and in a band, titled Shadowtrain. The film, whose complete title is Shadowtrain: Under A Crooked Sky looks at the treatment of Native Americans in the US. Lynch is very passionate to bring both issues, and solutions, to the American consciousness with Shadowtrain, yet, as he admits, there is a lot of work left to be done.

Jeb: The last time we talked the Shadowtrain project was just starting.

George: "When we talked last the Shadowtrain project was in its infancy. I have never been involved with a film before, I don’t count making rock videos (laughter). I thought everything would be easier than it was. I thought we would get funding and everything would fall together seamlessly. Then, I learned how difficult this all is. It is difficult but in a good way. It has been a wonderful experience. We are about two-thirds of the way through the process of getting the film done. We have another four months of shooting to do and, then, we have about eight months of editing. Everything lives and dies in the editing. A parallel would be the mix of a record. A record can live, or die, in the mix, how it is recorded and how it ends up sounding.

We have two and a half years of shooting and someone has to cobble that together and make it tell a story. There are a lot of skills that go into that and it can be very harrowing. You have to have some affinity to the subject matter in able to weave a story out of it. We are a long ways from that.

I had a very interesting conversation on the ESP site the other day. They ran a link to the indiegogo campaign for Shadowtrain and someone left a post that said, 'Why should I, or anyone else, give a dime to George Lynch? I am just a working guy and he is a multi-millionaire.' I had to respond to that. My response was very nice and cordial, but I had to explain myself. If that were true, then I would do it. It is, however, exactly what the film is against. I explained myself and people responded well.

It has been an incredible personal journey. We have a whole crew of people who work tirelessly. Nobody is making a nickel on this film. We camp out together, or if we stay in a hotel, then we room up together. We eat at people’s homes when we are invited out to the reservations. We really make a dollar go a long way. I have had the honor of being in the presence of people who are my heroes and who should be heroes to the rest of the planet, as well. Noam Chomsky is a very, very important person when it comes to telling the truth and doing a service to humanity in his lifetime. I was able to fly out to Cambridge and MIT and interview him. It was an honor and it was very enlightening.

We have a quite an interesting mix of people involved with the film. We have Tom Morello on the left and then, we have from the right, Ted Nugent and possibly Chuck Norris. It is really an interesting mix of ideologies and opinions. We try to pick them apart and find anything that is useful and truthful."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

According to a film synopsis, Shadowtrain: Under a Crooked Sky will illuminate the cost of the destruction of the Native American community; to both the indigenous population as well as to their European conquerors. As manifest destiny began to unfold a couple of centuries ago, a critical opportunity of merging two cultures was lost.

In the footage below, George Lynch jams with TRIBE OF GYPSIES singer Gregg Analla and talks about Shadowtrain: Under A Crooked Sky:

Check out the film's Facebook page at this location.

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