Germany's NONEUCLID To Premier New Lineup Live This Sunday

February 17, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news noneuclid

German progressive death thrashers NONEUCLID will present themselves in their next incarnation coming Sunday (February 19th) in their home town of Landshut, supporting DARK FORTRESS and DIABOLUS DUST, after singer Bruce amicably quit the band recently.

The band will continue as a compact four-piece - guitarist Morean will take over vocal duties as well from now on.

Says Morean: "We tried different candidates, and my band mates encouraged me to try out for the part myself. Even though for me it is the next big challenge in this band, since my guitar parts and the vocals rarely have anything to do with each other - they hardly ever take place in the same key, rhythm or, at times, even tempo -, I am honoured and excited to continue Bruce's heritage in this band, and we are ready to open the next chapter. Stretching our brains to the utmost to play our complex and at times insane music has always been the modus operandi for us, so in that sense nothing's changing.

We want to thank Bruce for the years of pleasure and madness we had together, for being a trooper and a good friend, and we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours."

The band is taking on the future head-on; besides expanding the symphonic repertoire, as they did in 2008 with the Dutch Metropole Orchestra and recently with Orchester des 13.Tons in Germany, plans for a club tour later this year are currently in the making.

Follow the band on Facebook, or see them live.

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