GHOST CIRCUS "In The Middle Of Recording Album Number Two"

April 25, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news ghost circus

Ronald Wahle from Netherlands/US-based GHOST CIRCUS has issued an update on the progress of following up their debut album, Cycles. It reads as follows:

"Yes, it's been a bit quiet but that's because we're in the middle of recording album number two. I know this still sounds a bit vague because some artists take five years to record an album! It's also hard to determine when that process actually starts. I've been recording my bulk of the music in the fall of 2006 with some additional stuff during the winter of 2006/2007. Unfortunately this winter has been a bitch when it comes to viruses, sinus infections and tooth aches! That stuff doesn't help when you're trying to keep your head together!

The approach of recording album number two is more or less the same (same working method for both Chris (Brown) and me but some new additional gear makes recording life, well, not so much easier………. but more professional.

It's going to be a concept album! Hail prog! It'll still sound like Ghost Circus all right. Some pop/rock songs and some prog stuff with a touch of metal. Prog doesn't have to be that complicated all the time you know. I can say that some of it will be heavier. And more dramatic so to speak. Oh, and there's a kick ass instrumental with mellotron and guitar works and 7/8 time signature. That one is prog all right. Then there's a 20-plus minute epic (hail prog!) that might just be the best thing we did so far. And since all the lyrics are telling one big story the songs are more connected on this album. Overall it's fair to conclude both Chris and I do a better performance in this. And it'll have more variation in background vocals (both male and female!)

Hmmm, that's about all I can say for now really. It's all 'in the works' so to speak and you can only judge the result at the very end. When everything falls into place. Our guess is the release will be about 1 year after Cycles, which was September 2006. Fair enough I think! So this summer you'll have to keep Cycles on repeat in your CD player or on you iPOD's or MP3 players. And keep spreading the word about Ghost Circus of course!"

Ghost Circus is featured in Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles Issue #102 (HEAVEN AND HELL cover) which is available here.

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