GRAVE DIGGER Guitarist Manni Schmidt - "... Now We Mean Business"

August 5, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news grave digger

GRAVE DIGGER guitarist Manni Schmidt checks in with the following update:

"It's a shame the holidays went by that fast. Not to mention the UEFA championship. But damn, the Bang Your Head festival did smash twice to compensate! Brilliant sunshine from above, a Fame backline from behind and rocking out a great show to our fans in front meant big party for everyone involved!

So, on to the forthcoming events: Right after (Grave Digger's Dates in South America) we're in the studios again to finally record the new Grave Digger album. We prepared ourselves for this some time now and let the songs go through our minds again during the holidays, but now we mean business!

Guitar magazine asked me to do a little contribution to their new special issue School of Metal II. What came out of this was a multilateral report on the preparation for studio and recording awesome metal guitars. The magazine is already at the kiosks, waiting for you to check it out!

Grave Digger's new homepage is online! You'll find the new design and our new webmaster Ronnie at renowned address. Members of our fanclub may excpect some special delicacies at the new 'Fanclub' section.

See you soon - Rock 'n' roll!!"

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