GREAT WHITE Lead Singer Jack Russell - "I Shouldn't Be Alive Today, Never Mind A Rock Star"

July 9, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard great white is reporting:

When GREAT WHITE lead singer Jack Russell heard about MICHAEL JACKSON's death, it was a wakeup call.

"That so easily could have been me," he said in a phone interview from his Palm Springs, Calif. home. "I shouldn't be alive today, never mind a rock star. (Jackson's death) made me think, 'What do I want to have from my life?'"

Russell and his band are on a lengthy "weekend-warrior" tour, which includes Saturday's stop at Club 131 in The DeltaPlex (Grand Rapids, MI) as part of the Fox Fest series, to promote the 1980s rock band's new album, Rising. He's in a reflective, honest mood, a frame of mind the 48-year-old says comes through loud and clear on the disc.

"Every record's special in some way, a snapshot of where I'm at emotionally and spiritually," Russell said. "I was literally crying at times (while recording). It's about battling demons and ending a relationship, which is all my fault."

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