HEIR APPARENT Guitarist Terry Gorle On Upcoming Reunion Tour - "It's A Dream Come True For Me"

October 9, 2011, 12 years ago

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HEIR APPARENT guitarist Terry Gorle is featured in a new interview with Crystal Logic discussing the band's comeback and European reunion tour, set for January 2012. An excerpt is available below:

Q: Heir Apparent are back and have announced special shows with the original Graceful Inheritance line-up. How did this happen and why now?

Gorle: "Ray (Schwartzwill) and Derek (Peace) had talked about wanting to do some gigs. Ray contacted me, and I contacted Paul (Davidson). It all came together quickly. I contacted a few people in Europe who immediately expressed interest, then I started a Facebook page, and everything took off from there. Within a matter of days, we had offers from several people, and now a small reunion tour. It's a dream come true for me."

Q: Are you reunited just for these shows or there will be new material? Have you written anything all these years?

Gorle: "We are just planning on doing these shows for now. We live 100 miles apart, so continuing on a steady basis would require some of us to relocate our families and rearrange our lives. It's a tough thing to do with jobs and other responsibilities. However, Paul and I have made plans to record a new album, so we will fill in the band lineup as the situation develops. Hopefully it can work out for everyone. I've written a lot of ideas... I can pick up my guitar and improvise new songs, so it won't be a problem. The main issue has always been finding other musicians/vocalists who want to spend the time and do the work."

Q: What do you remember from your early days and how did you sign with Black Dragon Records for the first album? Did you had other offers and which was the response of the fans and press for "Graceful Inheritance"?

Gorle: "In the early days, 1983, I bought a PA system, rented a house with a basement and built a soundproof rehearsal room. Then, I started writing songs and looking for other musicians. Kim Harris (Queensryche's manager) had heard some of my tapes, sent them to EMI, and said he wanted to produce a solo guitar album. I was more interested in creating a band. Eventually, I found players who were interested. My house had 5 bedrooms, so Derek and Paul moved in. That allowed us to rehearse almost every day, and it was a great environment for being creative and spontaneous.

Click here for the complete interview.

Heir Apparent will perform their 1986 album, Graceful Inheritance, on their upcoming 2012 reunion tour. Confirmed dates include:


14 - Würzburg, Germany - Venue TBA
15 - Thessaloniki, Greece - Venue TBA
16 - Nicosia, Cyprus - Venue TBA
17 - Athens, Greece - Venue TBA

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