HELIX Mainman Issues Update On Original Band Lineup Recording AC/DC Cover Song

February 10, 2009, 15 years ago

news ac rock hard helix dc

HELIX mainman Brian Vollmer has issued the following update:

"Original band re-unites for one song...

I’ve been getting a lot of mail commenting on the band (from the No Rest For The Wicked lineup) getting back together to record 'It’s A Long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock And Roll'. (Note: The song will appear on an AC/DC tribute CD being released through Perris Records.) This week there were good vibes all ‘round.

Fritz (Greg Hinz) came in to lay down the drum tracks on Sunday. His common-law wife Brenda Sherred, who is also one of our closest friends, came along to spend the day with (Brian's wife) Lynda back at Planet Helix. They brought along the new addition to their family - Tanner (a puppy Labrador Retriever) to keep (Brian and Lynda's dog)Harmony occupied as well.

The tracks went quickly and well. Fritz was in his glory and you could tell he was having a blast. Gord and Aaron were also all smiles at the prospect of recording someone they grew up as kids listening to. After the session Fritz and I headed back to Planet Helix for supper and to catch the first half of the Super Bowl game.

On Tuesday morning it was time to record the bagpipes. Robbie and Sandy Campbell of the MUDMEN, who are good friends of mine, volunteered to guest on the track. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Mudmen, they are a bagpipe/rock band, formally signed to EMI Canada. Rob and Sandy can be heard on the new hockey song. As well, they have played with The Chieftains, appeared on Bob and Doug Mackenzie’s movie, have helped out Don Cherry with his Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em videos, and the list goes on. As is custom, we followed up the session with a meal - only this time we went to my favorite little diner in town - The Malibou, which is up on Dundas Street.

Thursday night it was finally time to bring in Brent (The Doctor) Doerner and Mike Uzilac. Both proved they still have what it takes. No meal after this session however; it was background vocals instead, which is much easier to sleep on. Besides, nobody likes a fat singer (unless you’re MEAT LOAF). LOL. Gord and I finished up the backgrounds Friday afternoon and then critiqued the song in preparation for the mix, which we’ll be beginning Sunday afternoon. Then the song is off to Sterling Sound in NYC. for mastering and from there it will go out to Perris Records to be included in an AC/DC tribute album Tom Mathers/Perris is putting out. The song will also appear as a “bonus” track on the new Helix studio CD (yet un-named) that we’ll be releasing under the AOR label in Europe and Russia later this year.

Rocking The Air Canada Center...

Yesterday Lynda, Randy, and myself headed off bright and early for the Air Canada Center in Toronto. I was scheduled to sing the national anthem at the Toronto Rock lacrosse game at 3:30 PM with a sound check at 1:00. We parked in the staff-only parking at the AC. and set off to find Marsha, the person who was to direct me on what to do for the day. It was an exhilarating feeling being out under the Jumbo Tron and I lapped up every second of it. And that was only the sound check! Then I was ushered up into the stands where I was introduced to a bass player and guitarist (sorry - forgot their names) who played to a drum machine. The game plan was for me to come up and sing the beginning of 'Rock You' when the Toronto Rock scored their first goal. (Brian’s note*- whenever the Toronto Rock score they play a tape of the intro for 'Rock You' - that’s why it was a no-brainer to have me do it live at one of the games).

I should mention here that my buddy Mike Ball, who owns a computer company in Toronto, has been trying to get the Toronto Rock management to do this for five years. At first they ho-hummed the idea, but last year management changed and suddenly they were very anxious to have me do it.

My brother Bill and my sister in law Deb came to watch, as did Rudy Blair from 680 News, and Jason Furman from Feldman & Ass. Mike was kind enough to invite us to sit in his box that he had rented for the game, complete with enough food and booze to supply an army.

I had never been to a lacrosse game before and I really didn’t know what to expect. I must say-I loved it! What an exciting sport. The Rock were playing the Edmonton RUSH (coincidence or what!). Initially the Rock were down 4-zip, but they fought back to win the game 16-9. For anyone who has never seen a lacrosse game, I highly recommend going and checking it out. I will definitely be back.

Thanks to Mike Ball, The Toronto Rock, and Terri Workman for a fantastic day."

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