HELIX - Video Footage From South Texas Rock Festival And More Posted Online

July 15, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard helix

HELIX frontman Brial Vollmer has issued the following update(s), including video footage:

"Here’s some video clips of our recent trip to Texas last weekend to play South Texas Rock Festival. We all had a great time. 30,000 fans over the weekend, although we only had a couple of thousand on the Sunday. Poor time slot and 110 degree heat! However-we blew the place away and many loyal fans cheered us on. We had fans come from as far away as Mexico City to see us and the line-up at the Perris Records booth was a block long to meet the band. This was just the gig we needed to help gain a foothold back in the US. Thanks to all of you who helped make this such a memorable event, especially Tom Mathers.

More vids to follow."

Click the following links to check out the footage: Helix In Texas Part 1, Helix In Texas Part 2, Helix In Texas Part 3, Helix In Texas Part 4, Helix In Texas Part 5, Helix In Texas Part 6.

Vollmer continues, "This is a restaurant on Riverwalk where you pay to get insulted! LOL. Funnier than hell, but you have to be a good sport. Incidentally, the reason I’m calling this waiter "Cock-face" is because when I asked him for a coffee he shot back, '...who are you calling Cock-face?' They also have condoms they put over your head that read, "...last night I blew chunks..." and someone else wearing another condom saying "...my name is chunks..." You get the drift..."

Footage here.

More from Brian, "As I’ve said in my previous emails, there were around 30,000 metal/rock fans over the 3 daze of the South Texas Rock Festival. The crowd had dwindled to about 2-3,000 by Sunday afternoon. BUT IT WAS 110 DEGREES OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the hottest gig we’ve ever played in the history of the band - even hotter than when we played in Trinidad. I kept trying to stretch out the breaks a little bit between songs so that everyone could get a breath of air. I thought at one point Ned was going to pass out on the kit. Rick was sweating profusely, and Paul told me he did a spin with his guitar and couldn’t catch his breath for the next 4 bars. As for myself, I was constantly pouring bottles of water over my head. The crowd that was there was awesome - they cheered us on like no tomorrow and then lined up for over an hour in the hot sun to shake my hand and get autographs and pictures. What a buzz!!"

Footage here.

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