Hellfest Explains SATANIC WARMASTER's Cancelation

February 2, 2011, 13 years ago

satanic warmaster news life in black

Finnish black metal band SATANIC WARMASTER have revealed via Facebook that the band has been removed from this year's Hellfest edition "because of pressure put to the organizers by other artists booked on the festival.”

Here is the explanation that Ben Barbaud, the Hellfest’s organizer, gave to Radio Metal:

"The Hellfest has decided independently and in all conscience to cancel Satanic Warmaster’s performance. This decision was in no way caused by the pressure received by various small groups against the event. We had decided to confirm this artist when we noticed a strong demand. The

ideology and political values adopted by some artists have never been selection criteria for the festival; we leave the right to each and everyone to forge their own opinions about the artists performing at the festival, and we are not bringing our event on political grounds which

have nothing to do with the music.

However, we have received a large number of complaints partly from festival-goers but also from artists, considering this artist to be conflicting with the festival’s state of mind, and ready to settle things with a fight. We are not here to take position in this debate. The Hellfest is a celebration above all else, its purpose is not to divide, but to unite an audience under a single banner: passion for heavy music.

It appears to be impossible to find an adequate solution without risking irreversible damage or violence during the festival which is to take place next June.

The Hellfest’s purpose isn’t to judge one’s opinions, but to insure a peaceful and friendly gathering. Consequently, we have decided to cancel Satanic Warmaster’s performance in order to insure order and safety during the festival. Clan wars related to difference of opinion do not have their

place at the Hellfest.

The festival would like to apologize to fans of this artist, and wishes to reaffirm its independent and apolitical position. We will not jeopardize this even, that has taken years to develop, for reasons which are unrelated to music, and have nothing to do with the purpose of this


More on this story here.

France's Hellfest is scheduled for June 17th - 19th in Clisson.

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