HOLLOW – Full-Length Debut Mordrake Streaming In Full

June 7, 2014, 10 years ago

hot flashes news hollow

Releasing their debut full-length Mordrake just last week on May 30th, Montreal, QC melodic death metal band Hollow has posted a full album stream.

"Here is Mordrake for all to enjoy! Listen, comment and share because nothing is worth more to us than your opinions." – Hollow

Mordrake is now available on iTunes and Bandcamp with a limited edition Hate T-Shirt designed by Bob Skelton, the airbrush artist responsible for the band's corpse-paint. Produced at Uplift Studios by Kevin Jardine (Slaves On Dope) and co-produced by Dan Lauzon (Entropy) and Hollow, the debut is the follow up to the band's 2010 EP Cynoptic Eschaton and features 12 extreme tracks all recorded with an unique analogue approach. Without the use of any triggers, midi or copy/paste editing, the album showcases live off the floor performances that bring a breath of fresh air into an over-compressed and digital world of today's recordings.

Hollow comments: "Well, it's finally the time to unleash our first full-length album Mordrake upon the masses and melt your heads with this powerhouse. We slaved over this beauty for a little more than a year now and we fine-tuned every little detail for you to enjoy.

Get it, put on your headphones, and immerse yourself in the madness, the ecstasy, the chasm of our hearts and souls. Take an hour off from the world and delve into it to experience the pure labor of love we now offer you all. We sincerely hope you'll get your fill of metal from this and that it stays in your musical rotation for a long, long time, for this album is dedicated to you all, without which Hollow would have no reason to be.”


“Lament Configuration”
“Cryptic Howling”
“A New Life”

“Landscape” video:

“Iscariot” lyric video:


Hollow are:

Snow - bass

Cadaver - guitar

Mott - vocals

Blaac - drums

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