How Essay Writing Impacts Your Brain

March 1, 2021, 3 years ago


How Essay Writing Impacts Your Brain

Writing, just like reading is good for keeping the mind sharp and recent  studies have shown that it positively affects the way we think and express ourselves. Writing has quite a number of benefits, whether you are writing an essay, keeping track of your thoughts or putting together a story, active writing has undeniable effects in our lives. Writing when done everyday is one form of brain stimulation that will improve our learning process, our minds and our lives in general. 

 Essay writing is not so different from casual writing even though it requires application of a little more technique and finesse. Essay writing as one of the many forms of academic writing enables individuals to perform research on different topics, write about these topics and in the process develop a good  understanding of the topic. Acknowledging this, writing essays (or having someone write my essay for me) have numerous benefits that impact the brain in many different ways. In this article we will talk about the various ways that essay writing affects the brain. 

Develops creativity and critical thinking

Essays can be written in different ways for different purposes. Essays are written to answer questions, tackle problems and suggest ideas. It becomes the writer’s job to come up with ways to tackle these problems. When writing, writers have to be as creative as possible and try to put their skills into good use for quality and effective writing. These creative aspects can be unlocked by research and reading of essays as we can’t overlook the immerse benefits of these in developing a writer. These creative and critical thinking skills are often very helpful in the lives of writers, especially professionals. Creativity can be found in the works of these professionals through custom writing services like where the best writers put their brains. Essay writing undeniably broadens knowledge. When writing on a topic, it requires that you have in-depth knowledge of that topic and one of the ways of gaining this knowledge is through research by constantly reading extensively on topics before writing an essay. This process of research enables writers to gain lots of formation on various topics. Using this logic, writers tend to have a greater knowledge of the topics that they write about.

Improves memory

Essay writing also improves memory and knowledge retention. The physical process of writing activates certain areas of the brain that have to do with comprehension. Because one has to do lots of research while writing an essay, they get exposed to lots of information. Continuous referral back to this information in the process of writing helps imprint this knowledge in the mind of the writer. The human brain is able to retain large volumes of information and over time this information gets organized and implanted in the brain. People believe that writing notes by hand has a lasting effect on our memory, the sensory-motor skills and the visual recognition signals in the brain create a better recall ability. Also, the hand movement involved when writing enhances the motor memory in the brain. This also helps us to recognize and recall words and their meaning.

It relieves stress

The act of writing itself has been known to relieve stress. People often write to relieve themselves of stress and anxiety. Writing can be said to be therapeutic and writing an essay on a topic you are genuinely interested in can stimulate the body into producing hormones that are responsible for happiness. The feeling that comes with completing said topic is that of satisfaction and fulfilment. Although this doesn’t work for everyone, it has been proven to work for more than a few. 

Fatigue and exhaustion

You must be aware that not all impacts of essay writing on the brain are positive. When misused or in the case of writing, overused, essay writing can be a source of drainage and fatigue to the brain and mind. Essay writing is great but like almost everything in life too much of it may not be so good for you. Now you wonder how possible it is to ‘write too much’. Writing for days on end without taking necessary breaks and having proper sleep is not good at all for the brain and may cause problems for your health. It is advisable not to spend too much time on a single paper, try to find the balance between writing and getting the rest you deserve. This doesn’t just help your health but also increases productivity.

Whether writing essays as a hobby or professionally, we can now see that continuous writing over time has certain effects on the human brain and mind. But as seen above the positive impacts are far greater than the  negative impact, which is not a direct result of writing but rather an abuse and misuse of the skill. 

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