In Defence Of MÖTLEY CRÜE - "I Guess It Is Easier To Blame Everyone Else Than To Admit Your Own Parental Faults"

July 16, 2008, 16 years ago

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The following is a worthy response to a letter to the editor at The Sarnia Observer (found here) denouncing MÖTLEY CRÜE's July 10th show at the Bayfest in Sarnia Ontario.

"Incredible. Mr. Grant, do you not bear any of the responsibility for subjecting your kids to an obviously sexually-overt act as Motley Crue? Is the city of Sarnia now your babysitter? As others have mentioned before me, the antics of said act have been well publicized over the past few months, so it should not come as any surprise as to the content on display (btw, have you not turned on a TV in recent years? Have you not surfed the internet recently? Where the hell have you been, in a cave?).

This is the problem with society anymore; parents do not take responsibility. I guess it is easier to blame everyone else than to admit your own parental faults. Would you take your child to a 50 Cent concert? Would you accompany them to a showing of Rambo at your local theater? No, you wouldn't. So what makes you think it is OK to take them to a Motley Crue concert? I personally think it is wrong to shield your kids from the slightest bit of nudity or sexual suggestion, as this will only create social issues down the road.

Times have changed Mr. Grant, and kids are inundated with sexually suggestive material in every direction. There is no escaping it. The best thing you can do is keep an open and free dialogue with your children regarding these issues.

Motley Crue is tame compared to the content that is easily accessible on TV and the internet.

Priorities, Mr. Grant, priorities."

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