INFECTION CODE Sign With Beyond Productions

May 15, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news infection code

INFECTION CODE have announced that they have signed a deal with Beyond Productions.

The band's new album, entitled Intimacy, has been recorded at Nadir Studios by Tommy Talamanca, mixed and produced by Billy Anderson at Lowered One Studios in San Francisco (NEUROSIS, BRUTAL TRUTH, CATHEDRAL, MELVINS, MR.BUNGLE, S.O.I.A.,


The album, due in autumn and distributed worldwide through the Masterpiece Distribution channels, is pre-announced as a new step by the band into experimental sonorities, feature usually binded to each Infection Code album. This time much more obscure, dirt and disturbing than ever, post death metal/noise quite near to names such as Neurosis, CONVERGE and TODAY IS THE DAY.

For upcoming info:, .

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