JACK FROST Survives 70000 Tons Of Metal; Preparing New SEVEN WITCHES Album

February 5, 2020, 4 years ago

news jack frost seven witches heavy metal

JACK FROST Survives 70000 Tons Of Metal; Preparing New SEVEN WITCHES Album

By Rich Catino:

Jack Frost has floated around everywhere in the metal scene. From playing solo to with his band Seven Witches, he has also toured with Savatage supporting Poets And Madmen, the Bronx Casket Co., Metallium, Joey Belladonna, Jean Beauvoir, and Lizzy Borden. 2019 was busy for the New Jersey native, along with teaching guitar lessons and as musical director for the School of Rock, he closed out year by performing on 70000 Tons of Metal Cruise with Witches.

“This was my first year playing the 70000 Tons of Metal cruise and it was a blast,” Frost begins. "Great to reunite with Seven Witches alumni James Rivera, Dennis Hayes, and Jeff Curenton on drums, playing the Passage To The Other Side album in its entirety, plus several other Witches classics. We played two times, once at 3:45 in the morning, ironically during the witching hour, a time considered a period of peak supernatural activity. We rehearsed January 5 and 6 with Witches for the cruise, and ate at Nicko’s (McBrain, Iron Maiden drummer) Rock ‘N’ Roll Ribs prior to the sail away. What a great spot to get a bite and hang surrounded by rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia.” 

“On the Cruise I got a chance to meet a lot of Witches fans for the signing session. Saw my buddy Zak Stevens (Savatage, TSO) who unfortunately I never had the chance to play with in Tage. His new band Archon Angel were awesome, great to hear a couple Savatage songs as well; ‘Mountain King’, ‘Damian’, ‘Edge Of Thorns’, ‘Power Of The Night’, and ‘Taunting Cobras’. Hopefully Zak and I will get to work together on some level in the future. Grave Digger played a few classic goodies from the ‘80s/early ‘90s, Chris is an old friend good to see him. Phil Demmel (guitars), Vio-Lence, was awesome, and I got to see Schenker tune up on stage before he played (that was surreal), and loved seeing Flotsam and jamming with their singer Eric A.K . Kissin’ Dynamite are great, thank god they are bringing back the ‘80s hair metal. Striker also, killer, a mix of traditional, speed, power, and ‘80s glam metal. Exodus killed it in the middle of a storm, it was crazy. Gary is the man. And always great to catch up with old friends Mark Gromen, and ‘Metal’ Tim Henderson who I've never seen with a glass of water, ever! (laughs).”

To close out our conversation, Jack shares some updates on Seven Witches and other activities:

“And for the rest of the 2020 year Witches has a new album deal, and I am already working on new songs. It’s going to be classic traditional heavy metal Witches like Second War In Heaven, Xiled To Infinity And One, and Passage To The Other Side. Also, working on some music with Alessandro Del Vecchio (Italian producer, singer, keyboardist, songwriter) from Frontiers Records. Witches are doing summer festivals like Headbangers Open Air, and a few shows around the festivals. I am also in talks for other projects, collaborations but can’t say much more yet. Keep your eyes and ears open, it’s going to be a busy year for me.”

Frost playing the 70000 Tons Cruise All Star Jam with Flotsam And Jetsam’s Eric “AK” Knutson, Origin’s John Longstreth, Whiplash’s Tony Portaro, and Novembers Doom’s Mike Feldman:

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