JACKYL Frontman Jesse James Dupree - "The People Who Want To Find Fault With Our Tribal-Ridden Rock 'N' Roll, Those Are The Same People Who Have Trouble Admitting They Masturbate"

November 14, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard jackyl

JACKYL frontman Jesse James Dupree is featured in a new interview with SleazeRoxx.com. An excerpt is available below.

Q: Jackyl has weathered grunge, rap-metal and is about to surpass nu-metal. What do you think appeals to people about Jackyl?

Jesse James Dupree: "I think it comes down to the fact that we are honest about what we do. We pay total respect to the fundamentals of rock 'n' roll -- what it was built on. We have this new single, 'Just Like A Negro', and people are all tweaked out about it. Since when did Negro become a bad word? I mean no disrespect, I wrote that song with three black friends of mine and we did a new version with DMC from RUN DMC who is in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. It's a tribute to the great black artists who created rock 'n' roll.

I'm not Bono and we're not U2, and Jackyl doesn't aspire to be U2. Jackyl's longevity is a tribute to the fact that we are honest about what we do. Jackyl are built on the fundamentals of rock 'n' roll which is; guitar, bass, drums, attitude and a kick drum that will stimulate your glands. By the time you leave our show hopefully you've gotten hot, bothered and worked up and you don't even make it home before you jump in the back seat and knock out the old dirty, dirty --you know what I'm saying? I'll leave saving the world to Bono and U2. I've got all the respect for them but please don't chastise me because we do what we do. The people who want to find fault with our tribal ridden rock 'n' roll -- those are the same people who have trouble admitting that they masturbate."

Q: Your new album is titled When Moonshine And Dynamite Collide. It's an appropriate name for the album, on par with the self-titled debut with each song having the potential for a rock radio hit.

Jesse James Dupree: "If there was such a thing as rock radio these days! I do thank you for saying that. The album just happened organically, we didn't have this planned out. The songs were road tested first and that's why it has taken several years since the last album and this one. We had these song validated by the audience -- it was a great feeling knowing that we were putting music on this album that had already been approved by the fans. In a lot of ways, just like you said, it was like working on our first record all over again."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

On November 17th at 10pm, the second season of Tru Tv's Full Throttle Saloon featuring Dupree will air its first episode.

This series provides an inside look at the world's largest biker bar, Michael Ballard's Full Throttle Saloon in Sturgis, SD. The Throttle is only opne two weeks each year during the infamous Sturgis Biker Rally. To end up in the black, Michael and his team have to pull in a year's worth of receipts in these two wild weeks. He gambles that the country's most beautiful bartenders and biggest music acts will bring in the thousands of patrons he needs to make his number.

Click here to watch the Full Throttle Saloon promo.

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