JAMES MURPHY - Scheduled For Another MRI In Six Months

October 20, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news james murphy mri

Guitarist/producer JAMES MURPHY (DEATH, TESTAMENT, OBITUARY) is currently undergoing treatment to determine if the brain tumor he defeated nine years ago has returned. James updates his condition:

"After meeting with my doctor yesterday, I finally have the results of my recent MRI, and the prognosis for my immediate future: the tumor only grew a little, so no surgery is needed, and radiation therapy has been, at least for the moment, ruled out.

We will treat the new growth pharmacologically by increasing my dose of the hormone inhibitor I currently take, or switching to the other (better but more expensive) drug that can treat my particular condition. So I will have another MRI in six months to see if the pharmacological treatment has worked.

In the meantime, the dose they want me to take of my current prescription would leave me wiped out for most of each day... Five pills per day is just too much of that particular drug, so I hope to be able to upgrade to the better drug, of which I'd have to take far less, and thus suffer far less side-effects, and be able to function normally. The really good news is that the funds raised by my good friends Deron Miller and his wife Felissa Rose Esposito Miller has paid outright for the MRI, bloodwork, and other lab tests I've had to have in relation to this so far, and whatever else they raise from here should allow me to afford the switch to the more expensive prescription, which will in turn allow me to function normally, keep working, and not go bankrupt. I owe a huge thanks to them, as well as to all of you that have reached out, contributed, wished me well, and sent me your good vibes... thanks to you all!"

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