JIMMY PAGE On Historic LED ZEPPELIN Reunion Show: "If You're Passionate About It Then It Just Automatically Comes Through..."

February 26, 2008, 16 years ago

led zeppelin news rock hard jimmy page

Host Rolly of Japan's NHK program Eigo De Shabera Night's, along with former MEGADETH guitarist Marty Friedman, interviewed LED ZEPPELIN guitarist JIMMY PAGE for an episode which aired on February 25th.

The following is an excerpt from a transcription of the chat:

Rolly (R): I think you prepared for it over a long time. How was it compared to your expectation?

Jimmy Page (JP): "We had taken it on in such a way that we were working very, very hard towards it and we were rehearsing. Certainly the three: bass, drums and guitar. And then right out of the blue I managed to break my finger in three places. 'Oh - who else, with such an important concert could actually injure his finger!' I was rehearsing and healing at the same time. So I had that period, substituting one finger for another or approaching something slightly differently. Before the finger injury we'd put in so much work up to that point....

Marty Friedman (MF): What kind of work?

JP: "Just playing, playing the numbers between us and trying, you know, just trying all manner of things, really."

MF: Changing things?

JP: "Yeah. We really needed to establish this pad so that all those ingredients would work really well and confidently and that's how it went. It was a good show."

Rolly is starting to drown in Jimmy's passionate flow of words! But no lifebelt from Marty - this guy's really going with the flow!

MF: When you say you knew it was good, it was so good it was scary, what was the thing that was telling you it was good?

JP: "We really applied the right values to it."

MF: What are those values, if you could spell those out for us?

JP: "Well, you know, just dedication to it."

MF: Dedication to the project?

JP: "I mean, if you're passionate about it then it just automatically comes through, doesn't it? I mean, it's my values, I guess is what I'm saying...."

For Jimmy the secret is rock-solid values. So Rolly - you stick to your principles, too, OK?

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