JOB FOR A COWBOY - New Interview With Guitarist BOBBY THOMPSON Available

July 19, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news job for bobby thompson cowboy recently caught up with JOB FOR A COWBOY guitarist Bobby Thompson to discuss the band's new album, Genesis. The following is a brief excerpt from the interview:

Q: After two successful EP releases, you guys are finally releasing your debut full length record Genesis this month. Now that it's just about out, how do you personally feel about the record?

Bobby: "On Genesis I'm really stoked about it man, like the music came out exactly the way I wanted it to. Doom was more of a disc that we just put it all together and I think we were like 15, 16 years old and we didn't really plan out the riffs and the structuring and stuff like that. With Genesis, I took the time to write each riff and that was pretty much it and like the drumming, we wanted it to be more fast paced, more death metalish and I'm really happy with the way it came out."

Q: One major difference evident on Genesis in comparison to your EP releases is that the vocals have stepped away from what people have called pig squeal type vocals. Why did you decide to step away from this style and do you think it's a step in the right direction for the band?

Bobby: "Yeah, Johnny did not want to do that whole pig squeal thing just because we wanted to grow as a band and be more mature. We thought the best thing to do was become a more mature band and that's one thing that we strayed away from is the whole pig squeal and stuff like that, we just wanted him to be a straight death metal vocalist and that's what he felt like too. And on top of that, we wanted everything to be more fast paced and more aggressive except for we have like a Doom song too and we just wanted to be a more mature Job For A Cowboy rather than the old, spastic, all over the place, not really having any idea what's going on in the song Job For A Cowboy."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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