JOE SATRIANI - "My Music Is A Narrow Representation Of What's Going On In My Mind"

May 17, 2005, 19 years ago

news joe satriani riff notes

The following report is courtesy of

Just before embarking on his India tour, guitarist JOE SATRIANI called up DEEP PURPLE's bassist Roger Glover and enquired about the country, its people and their sense of music. Glover apparently said: "India is fabulous, just go there." Satriani came and the reverberation of his music proved to the crowds at Mumbai and Kolkata that he was the sole master of the sound. He promises to see Bangaloreans tonight, 6.45 pm sharp at Palace Grounds.

Satriani arrived in the city late Monday evening and at a press conference soon after, announced that he'd sing only if pressed. But great guitaring he will! The hardcore JIMI HENDRIX fan says he took up serious guitaring after Hendrix's death. "My music is a narrow representation of what's going on in my mind. I'm primarily an electric guitar player with my roots in the rock-n-roll generation" he says, a cap on his bald pate.

Has he given in to Indophilia now that he's been here for a week? "Western audiences would react differently to Indian sounds but Indians are so grounded and rooted in their music. I have always tried to absorb different sounds into my music, be it German classical music, Chinese sounds, I want to make them sound different in my music. But I would never take an Indian band and stick my guitar."

Gluttonsied by fans for his guitar techniques, the rock guitarist will perform at Palace Gounds where, years ago Deep Purple had performed. As a upcoming guitarist, he filled in for Purple's Ritchie Blackmore and stuck with the band for half a year.

Would performing on such a stage be significant? "It was a great opportunity but I was the wrong guy! This happened when at a concert in Japan, there were 80,000 fans expecting Blackmore, not me. But I had to fill in and it was a great experience. Yes, it would be nostalgic and significant" he says.

His first professional tour started in early 1988 after he "realised that the weird stuff I do at studios actually sounded great." For long he's been hailed as a 'guitar god'. How does he react to the title? "I've been called worse names! I don't take it seriously."

There's an interesting anecdote about the title of his latest album 'Is There Love In Space?' "The title came when I was sitting in my studio and I saw some of my son's work there, drawings, etc. There was a picture which had a man with a Monalisa kind of smile and I wondered, life is so difficult on earth, horrible things happen every second. And phut came this title."

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