JOE STUMP - 'The Dance Of Kashani' Promo Clip Online

April 1, 2009, 15 years ago

news joe stump riff notes

The full length promo clip for the seven minute-plus track 'The Dance Of Kashani' taken from guitar shredder JOE STUMP's upcoming new album Virtuostic Vendetta is now available - click below to view.

The Shredlord's new album Virtuostic Vendetta will be released on April 17th via Lion Music.

On the album's new material Joe comments, "On this record I kind of went back and re-introduced myself to myself. Two of my early albums "Guitar Dominance" and "Supersonic Shred Machine" were real favourites among my fans, and this new record is quite similar in that it's fairly diverse with a cool mixture of tunes stylistically, but it all has my stamp on it. I'd like to think it's my best overall effort as every aspect of this record is better than anything I've ever done, playing wise, guitar tones, compositions, production it's all steps beyond any of my past releases . It's also a very entertaining and listenable record considering there are no vocals."

Virtuostic Vendetta tracklisting: 'Chasing The Dragon', 'Pistol Whipped', 'The Dance Of Kashani', 'Fire And Brimstone', 'The Beacon', 'Blackmore's Boogie', 'Old School Throwdown', 'Allegro #2 In A Minor', 'Trigger Happy', 'Symphonic Pandemonium', 'The Witching Hour', 'Strat Sorcery'.

According to a press release, a strong Ritchie Blackmore (BLACKMORE'S NIGHT, ex-DEEP PURPLE) vibe is prevalent on this release, indeed inspiring one track title 'Blackmore's Boogie' as well as an original ode to the RAINBOW classic 'Gates If Babylon' in 'The Dance Of Kashani'. To his credit Joe doesn't shy away from hiding his influences, "I never claimed to be re-inventing the wheel. I just take the great influence of all my heroes BLACKMORE, YNGWIE, BACH, VIVALDI, GARY MOORE, JIMI HENDRIX, ULI JON ROTH, SCHENKER, PAGANINI and try to craft my own thing with it. I love guitar and I always try to make records that guitar fans and hard rock/metal fans will love as well."

Yet there is more on offer than the neo-classical influence such as 'Old School Throwdown' which is a nod to players such as Hendrix, FRANK MARINO and ROBIN TROWER. Joe also throws down thanks to his influences with the use of subtle phrases from well known classics which the keen ear will spot in a few places.

Virtuostic Vendetta features:

Joe Stump - guitar

Jay Rigney - bass

Jay Gates - drums

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