JUDAS PRIEST, HEAVEN & HELL, MOTÖRHEAD, TESTAMENT Kick-Off Metal Masters Tour; Report, Photos Available

August 7, 2008, 16 years ago

heaven hot flashes mot rhead hell testament news judas priest

Special report by Mark Gromen

The initial date of the Metal Masters Tour: JUDAS PRIEST, HEAVEN & HELL, MOTÖRHEAD and TESTAMENT kicked off August 6th, in Camden, NJ, just across the river from Philadelphia. Beforehand, ‘Head drummer Mikkey Dee could be seen introducing his son to Testament frontman Chuck Billy, just prior to the San Fran thrashers taking the stage. Beginning at 5:30, they were afforded just short of a half hour, during which they pulled out ‘Over The Wall’ and ‘Disciples Of The Watch’. In the concourse, a variety of merchandise was available for all the bands, ranging from $25 for a thong or baseball cap, $40 for a t-shirt, $60 hoodies and a $125 embroidered black denim jacket from Heaven & Hell. A family affair, many old-timers bringing the next generation to the concert, Guitar Hero was set up to keep the pre-teen set occupied.

Probably been a long time since Motörhead took the stage at 6:30, but Lemmy and Co. blasted away for almost 50 minutes, including the opening ‘Dr. Rock’, ‘Stay Clean’, ‘Outlaw’, ‘Killers’, ‘Killed By Death and (of course) ‘Ace Of Spades’. The tour had yet to work the kinks out of the photography logistics. Unlike most shows, where permission to shoot the headliner is de-facto permission to click away at all the opening acts, only those bands approving each individual photog were granted access, thus 4 different passes were necessary.

Heaven & Hell (aka BLACK SABBATH) took the stage to ‘Mob Rules’, Tony Iommi in a black, knee-length leather coat despite the sweaty temps. A galvanized “sheet” of metal rose behind the band, no logo, and a pair of mammoth serpentine statues guarded the corners of the stage. ‘Children Of The Sea’ was followed by the stage bathed in blue for ‘I’. An Iommi solo segued into ‘Sign Of The Southern Cross’, then the set took a bit of a detour, first with ‘Ear In The Wall’, a Vinny Appice drum solo (part of which had his back to the crowd) led directly into ‘Time Machine’ and the mellow start of ‘Falling Off The Edge Of the World’. Iommi took center stage to start ‘Die Young’, Ronnie Dio atop the three stair riser in front of Appice. A red lit stage for ‘Heaven & Hell’ closed the set, although the plumes of dry ice “smoke” are a poor substitute for pyro. On a bright note, Dio’s voice showed none of the frailties evident a year ago, but then again, it’s only the first night.

Much has been written about Priest’s European dates and none too kind. Apparently someone in, or near, the band has taken heed, as they were more lively, including Rob Halford, who wandered into the wings and have dispensed with all Nostradamus material but for the opening ‘Prophecy’, with Halford in his Jiffy Pop tin foil robe. Essentially the same set as posted everywhere, highlights include ‘Dissident Aggressor’, ‘Love Bites’, ‘Hell Patrol’ and the crowd pleasing ‘Electric Eye’, where the singer wanders across the balcony, even behind drummer Scott Travis. The much criticized ‘Painkiller’ has been reworked, in lower register, with effects to mask some of the inadequacies. It didn’t sound bad. Begun with a quick Travis flourish, it allowed Halford time to whip off his trench-coat and perform, hunched over, in a vest. I feel much better about the band than I did a month ago, after their Bang Your Head appearance, in Germany, but as with Dio, it’s just one night in. Hopefully it will continue.

A BW&BK; Photo Gallery of the event can be found here.

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