KISS Make List Of The 10 Songs American Idol Finalists Should Avoid Like the Plague

March 9, 2009, 15 years ago

news kiss rarities

KISS have made's, list of the 10 Songs American Idol Finalists Should Avoid Like The Plague.

'Rock 'n Roll All Nite' is described as follows: Even Kiss couldn't hit the charts right away with this anthem: The studio version didn't crack the Top 40 at first - but the live take went to No. 12 in 1975. As a true band song, it's not really for a solo voice.

Adds Don McGhee, CEO McGhee Entertainment - and Kiss's manager. "When choosing a song, contestants should recognize what aspect of the song made it a hit - whether it be lyrical or musical content. (In 'All Nite') the harmonies and mix both on-stage and on the album are far more advanced than can be produced on the set of 'American Idol.' I wish that the contestants would focus on what constitutes a strong live performance and apply vocal stylings that can be adapted to fit their personalities."

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