November 20, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes night of demons kittie thine eyes bleed news acacia

KITTIE, THINE EYES BLEED, NIGHT OF DEMONS, and a reunited ACACIA will pay tribute to Dave Lander – band manager, father, and friend who passed away unexpectedly in August – on December 12 at Call the Office in London, Ontario.

The evening with bring together and reunite the area’s most well-known bands in honor of the Lander, who played a role in each of their careers. Kittie is fresh off a European and Russian tour, Thine Eyes Bleed will be appearing playing for the first time after a one-year hiatus, Night of the Demons will play after a two-year absence from the local music scene, and Acacia’s original members will once again join together for this special event.

Each band’s performance will express what words alone can not, but the bands’ members have commented on Lander and his personal impact on them:

Justin Wolfe, singer Acacia and Thine Eyes Bleed: “I have to say, I would have never imagined I would be here writing this right now. When Dave suddenly passed away this August he took a piece of my say the least. The Lander family is truly like no other; those of you who have had the privilege to spend time with the family and Dave know exactly what I am talking about. I have been a part of the extended family for about 8-9 years now, and after losing my father in 2003, Dave stepped in, was a father to me and treated me like a son, but he was also a friend...a friend that would always want you to be yourself and have a good time. From the early days of Acacia through the long tough years with Thine Eyes Bleed, Dave was the one person who always kept me fighting for my dreams. Dave as a manager had a magic about him that would allow him to see through the bullshit and always keep fighting to reach the top. It was never about him. It was always about us (the bands) and making sure that everyone else was take! n care of and happy. From the steak and wine dinners to the backyard BBQs and the long road trips waiting for that cold beer, things will never be the same. I expect to see everyone that shares any of these wonderful memories on December 12, as we (the bands, friends, family) have been working hard to make this a night to remember and celebrate the life of Dave Lander. I miss and love you, Dave... ‘I'll get the first beer, the rest are in the fridge.’ ‘What else is happening?’”

Morgan and Mercedes Lander, Kittie:  “This is the hardest for us because not only was Dave our manager, he was also our father. Through it all, he was there to ease our worry, lighten the load and the situation, and make things work no matter what.  He was the ‘every man,’ taking on tasks from booking shows to loading the trailer.  He did it all!  And despite all the odds, he helped to make our dreams of being a successful band a reality.  His dedication to the band and his family were something that no money could ever buy.  He was a husband, father, manager, and friend.  We celebrate his life and his accomplishments on December 12 in true Dave Lander fashion; with a stiff drink and some loud music.  Our Daddy would be proud!”

Tanya Candler, original Kittie bassist: “I feel so honored to be able to pay tribute to such a wonderful man, Dave Lander, on the 12th of December.  Dave would be overjoyed to see everyone gathered together to celebrate his life.  Dave was a father, husband, friend, and mentor.  He was a friend to everyone, and was the first person to lend a kind ear, shoulder to cry on, or a helping hand.  He would always greet you with a smile, steak, and a glass of homemade wine.  I will miss our ‘Papa Kittie’ so much, but I know our love, warm memories, and music will travel to him, wherever he may be.”

Trish Doan, Kittie bassist 2005–2007: “Dave Lander touched the lives of all those who ever knew him. He brought out the best in everyone with his tenacious high spirits and energy for life. I'm grateful to have known him and could never thank him enough for all that he has done for me. Dave was like a surrogate father to me and I'm honored to be a part of this memorial show to pay tribute to his life. Steak and wine will never be the same without you, Dave!”

Tara Mcleod, guitarist for Kittie: “I'm very excited for the homecoming show on December 12th.  It's going to be a celebration of the life of Dave Lander. I feel privileged to have become so close to him and to have been treated as one of his children. Anyone who had the opportunity to get to know Dave knows that his goal was for everyone to enjoy themselves no matter what. This is our chance to tip our hats to him and say thank him for everything. We love and miss him.”

Ivy Vujic, bassist For Kittie: “It upsets me and frustrates me to think that Dave Lander will not be physically standing by our side on December talk to us, help us, cheer us on, ease our anxiety, lighten up the mood, and make sure that everyone is having a good time as he has always done in the past... Dad, friend, advisor, supporter...he took me in as part of his family and was always there, no questions asked.  I know that he is in all of our hearts and will be mingling in the crowd in spirit. So on December 12th we will raise our glasses and give Dave a big ‘Cheers’ and ‘Thank You’ and we will celebrate and rejoice how lucky we are to have been graced with such an incredible person in our lives!”

Jeff Phillips, guitarist, Thine Eyes Bleed, guitarist Kittie, 2001-2004: “I was crushed to find out of the passing of David Lander.  I have known him and his family for about 10 years.  I am a better person for having had such a close relationship with him.  It is an honor to play in his memory on December 12.  All the bands playing were not only managed by him, but were encouraged, supported, and loved.  I, for one, would never have had the opportunity to see my dreams come to fruition had it not been for him.  I miss ya, Dave.”

The tickets for the memorial show will be available online Friday, November 21 at The cost is $10. Doors are at 8 p.m. Call the Office is located at 216 York Street in London, Ontario - 519.432.4433.

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