KROKUS - New Album Due In February; Title Revealed

December 18, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news krokus has received the following press release:

Swiss metallers KROKUS in full bloom again: the long anticipated comeback masterpiece of our rock legends is called Hoodoo!

All good things take time and delicate “sound” flowers of the likes of Krokus need special care – especially when they are expected to climb the charts like an artillery of thundering tanks!

For two years Krokus worked diligently on their highly anticipated comeback album. For the first time, the slightly grey-haired Swiss rock royalty from Solothurn sheds some light regarding their forthcoming release!

Hoodoo is the name of the new album, with which Chris Von Rohr, Marc Storace, Fernando Von Arb, Mark Kohler und Freddy Steady put you under their spell and prove once again that they are indeed ageless. You will be spellbound on February 26th, 2010, when the new CD is released.

Swiss boulevard paper Blick asked original founder Chris Von Rohr the question that was on most people’s mind: why did the fans had to wait that long for this new release? "We are only together for about two years in the original line-up and a killer song – much less an entire album – cannot be written, recorded and produced over night. The material needs to evolve, mature like a fine wine and one needs to be critical with one self, set the standards high and allow only the best material to make it on the album. No fillers – no compromises."

When it’s all said and done, the masterpiece should sound like a mixture of yesterday and tomorrow. Adds Chris: "It was my responsibility as producer to bring out of each musician their individual strength and to continue sound wise where we left off with Metal-Rendez-Vous and Headhunter. Back to the roots – but with today’s power, unstoppable like a steamroller!"

It is no wonder that expectations are high. Next spring, when the Krokus namesake tough flower breaks through winter’s ice and starts blooming, Krokus fans will witness firsthand what «Hoodoo» is all about. Describes guitarist Fernando Von Arb: "It’s gonna be an avalanche like, uncompromising, straight forward rock. Fasten your seatbelts, enjoy the ride and rock on!». Adds vocalist Marc Storace: "Definitely a one of a kind original Krokus album that will please fans."

Bassist and producer Chris Von Rohr sums it all up: "To keep the end result top quality, it was ok that during the process of writing songs and recording them occasionally tempers flared within the band. We are no lame pussycat rockers; instead we stay true to ourselves. All the blood, sweat and painstaking effort during this two-year journey was worthwhile!"

Drummer Freddy Steady and guitarist Mark Kohler, along with Chris, Marc and Fernando promise: "2010 will be a Krokus year – we will put a spell on everyone. Hoodoo style, one at a time!"

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