KROKUS On "Well-Deserved Break From Hellraiser Tour"

May 17, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news krokus

KROKUS fanclub manager Peter Waelti has issued the following update:

"After my return from Switzerland, where I spent a week with the band on the road and we received our Gold Record Award and I was most of the time too wired to sleep, I returned back to Denver. Don't know whether it was Marc (Storace - vocals) having a slight cold or me having too much fun at the last gig high up in the Swiss Alps in the snow, but I caught (what I thought) a major cold and went a week after my return finally to the doctor, since the over the counter drugs did not help. Not to bore you with my medical dilemma, the bottom line was that I had pneumonia, very swollen feet and legs and a heartbeat twice as fast than normal. Like running a marathon continuously. And the heart can only do this at this accelerated rate so long. It's called Arterial Fibrillation. I could have had a heart attack while with Krokus (what a way to go) or shortly thereafter. Thank God do I have a big and strong heart. After 10 days! In the hospital they found a blood clot by the heart and with blood thinners this has to dissolve first and with 30 days home rest, I will go back to the hospital and receive a nice electric shock to reset the heart rate.

The other reason you haven't heard anything new is that the band took a well-deserved break from touring in support of their latest album Hellraiser. Krokus rocked through over 18 countries since starting the Hellraiser tour and gained many new enthusiastic fans. A younger audience was introduced to the rocking Swiss who seem to be ageless. The band is such a force 'live' and delivers every time!

And when I say 'break', do not think for one minute that they just rested on their laurels. Each band member used the welcomed break to start writing songs for the next album. So I guess it's more a creative phase and less of a break.

On June 2nd Krokus will continue their Hellraiser Tour as part of various European summer festivals, namely in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and Italy. We are also proud to announce that we will visit for the first time Lithuania. On August 4th, Krokus will rock the Rockonaktys in Platelai.

While on 'house rest' I will update various items on our web site and I will let you know the changes as I finish them. I think you will like the "add-on's". Your comments and opinions are always welcome, since without you there would be no reason to maintain it and no need for Krokus to rock the world!

We thank you for your love, continuos support and loyalty over the years. And don't forget to stop sometimes and smell the roses - life's too short! And right after you did that, crank the CD player or I-Pod and play loudly the "Hellraiser" album. Good music is the universal language that brings us all together."

Upcoming Krokus tour dates can be found here.

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