KRONOS Streaming New Track "Infernal Abyss Sovereignty"

June 24, 2015, 9 years ago

news black death kronos

KRONOS Streaming New Track "Infernal Abyss Sovereignty"

With the release of Arisen New Era, the forthcoming new full-length from French death metal unit and recent Unique Leader signees, Kronos, now exactly one month away, opening bruiser "Infernal Abyss Sovereignty" can be heard streaming below.

Featuring a continuous textual reference to the gods of ancient civilizations, Kronos bludgeons ears with a heightened level of dynamics accomplished by only by a select number of bands. Recorded, mixed and mastered by David Potvin at Dome Studios (Lyzanxia, Arcania, Under The Abyss etc.) in (appropriately) Angers, France, the nine-track Arisen New Era is a smoldering display of technical death metal barbarity adorned in the distinctive cover art of Pierre Alain (Withering Soul, Silentlie, Cyrax, etc.).  

Elaborates the band, "Arisen New Era as a whole is about the fratricidal strife between Hades and Poseidon whose rivalry will lead them to an alliance against Zeus. 'Infernal Abyss Sovereignty' starts the album and introduce the story... Feeling aggrieved by the sharing of the world with his two brothers, Poseidon feels it's time to awake some fratricidal quarrels." Decibel calls it, "Brutal, yet astonishingly catchy."  

Arisen New Era will be released via Unique Leader Records on July 24th. Pre-orders are available at this location. For digital orders, go here.

Arisen New Era tracklisting:

"Infernal Abyss Sovereignty"
"Zeus Dethroned"
"Soul-Voracious Vultures"
"Rapture In Misery"
"Klymenos Underwrath"
"Aeons Titan Crown"
"Purity Slaughtered"

"Infernal Abyss Sovereignty”:

"Klymenos Underwrath" lyric video:

Album trailer:

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