LAWNMOWER DETH - "First Full Rehearsal... Didn't We Do Well!"

August 31, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news lawnmower deth

Concorde Faceripper (aka Steve Nesfield), guitarist for British thrash/metal/comedy act LAWNMOWER DETH, has issued the following update:

"It's Friday, it's 5 o'clock, it's crackerjack!.... well not quite, but it was the start of the weekend of the Full Lawnmower Deth re-union.

Mr Mutilator arrived at my house looking like I felt... knackered after a long hard week at work. One beer, a bit of a chin wag and a quick change out of the work clothes later, Mr Flymo also arrived and off we went into Nottingham to meet up with Kev for the first LMD rehearsal in over a decade.

Half hour later we arrive at Magnet studio's and there he is.. the living leg-end that is Kev, already set up and ready to thrash.. ! Was great to see him again after all this time too, life on the road seems to have been kind to him, not like us desk job boys ;)

Parko's arrival soon makes up the full set and we are ready for the off.... most of us probably thinking the same thing.. is this going to work ? Well, I'm happy to report that yes, it bloody well did! There were a few fuck ups here and there, but it was OK. Well, more than OK really, considering how long it had been we were pretty tight.

It was quite suprising how heavy some of it sounded too. It's still going to sound out of place come the night of the 15th Nov, but a sense of relief was felt around the room all the same.

Paddy popped his head round the door to say hello, he was thrashing hard next door, then off for a curry and beer (this was a mandatory stop off.. rehearsals are not complete without a cuzzar!)

The following morning, off we went for Round 2, and again, all sounded pretty good, this was despite the fact we were rehearsing at the stupid hour of 10am in the morning!

The problem we have now is trimming down the setlist so we can fit it in to the 1/2 hr that we will get on the 15th Nov.

Next full rehearsals commence in October. I'm going to try and film some footage of that, so I'll update you when the footage is on YouTube. In the mean time, I'm just about to upload a load of pictures from the weekend.

Check them out and feel free to call us any names you wish, we know we look like a bunch of sad old gits anyway!"



Go to this location to check out Lawnmower Deth audio samples.

The band will support Bullet For My Valentine on November 15th in London, UK.

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