LEATHERWOLF - New Interview With Frontman MICHAEL OLIVIERI Available

June 29, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news leatherwolf michael olivieri

RockEyez.com's Brian Rademacher recently spoke to LEATHERWOLF fromtman Michael Olivieri. The following is an excerpt from the interview.

Brian Rademacher: Looking back as a teenager what is the thing that is most still in your head?

Michael Olivieri: "Going to parties; trying to look cool and fitting in. At that time turning into a teenager things change, your outlook on fun and what you do on weekend’s kinda changes. In California, we had backyard parties everywhere that was a good time that don’t happen anymore. Cops shut that down real quick. That is how Leatherwolf started we would play backyard parties. The first couple years that’s all we did."

Brian Rademacher: Tell me about DESPERADO, THE EAGLES tribute band.

Michael Olivieri : "Yeah, I did that for a while, about a year. Like I said I grew up on The Eagles and a friend of mine was doing it and asked me to join. It was kinda fun being in a vocals band. Five people sang and I’m into the vocal harmonies. I got tired of that really quick and left."

Brian Rademacher: When you worked for the Carnival Cruises Ms. Jubilee, what is the thing you most remember?

Michael Olivieri : "HAIL MARY just broke up. Hail Mary derived from Leatherwolf in 90-91 and it kinda went south, we got strung on by Epic and MCA for two years and NIRVANA came (along) and nobody was getting a deal. A friend of mine asked if I still played guitar and asked how would I like to go on a cruise ship. Although it was a cheesy lounge band I had a good time. People get crazy on those ships; teachers, librarians, secretaries… the funny thing was on Sunday when the husbands drop them off and say have a good time, these ladies turn into maniacs! We hit the port of Mazatlan and clothes start flying off! It’s pretty crazy. We then get home and their husbands are picking them up asking how the trip was. They say it was ok. Yeah, right! (Laughing)."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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