LEAVES' EYES And ATROCITY Forced To Cancel Appearance At Last Weekend's Mandragora’s Fest in Mexico; Joint Statement Issued

March 4, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news leaves atrocity eyes

The following is a joint statement from LEAVES' EYES and ATROCITY:

"Last Saturday, Leaves' Eyes and Atrocity were forced to cancel Mandragora’s Fest in Mexico due to major technical problems and power issues that were out of the band's control.

When Atrocity prepared to enter the stage around 1 AM to perform their set at Mandragora’s Fest suddenly the whole power of the stage, lights and PA was gone and people were left in darkness for almost one hour.

The audience was left confused and started throwing missiles and chanted profanities directed to the stage.

When the power was finally restored the whole equipment was not functioning correctly anymore and both bands had to regretfully announce that they were not able to play the shows.

Both Leaves' Eyes and Atrocity would like to sincerely appologize to the fans who came to see the shows for not being able to perform and they promise to return to Mexcio as soon as possible!"

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