LIZZY BORDEN - "Just About Every Record Has Been Theme Based, So I Don’t Think There’s Any Stopping It At This Point"

October 22, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news lizzy borden recently caught up with Lizzy Borden to discuss his new album, Appointment With death. The following is a brief excerpt:

BZ: What can you tell us about Appointment With Death?

Lizzy Borden: “It’s a theme-based record because that’s what we always do (laughs). I get to play death…it’s really just about death being in the room with the characters of each individual song. Every song is about death in one way or the other…death is about to happen in one way or the other. That’s the whole basic theme about it. On Deal With The Devil, I got to play the devil. That was another theme-based record. The devil was involved in almost every aspect of the record in one way or the other.”

BZ: Have you ever seriously considered recording a record that isn’t theme-based?

Lizzy Borden: “Yeah, every time I start a record, I go ‘…I’m not gonna do a theme-based record. I’m just gonna write ten songs…’ (laughs). But it never works out that way. I start digging and digging, trying to find things that are interesting to me. Before I know it, I’m writing a theme-based record (laughs). This is where I am and what I’m doing. I tried to fight it for a while, but now I just embrace it. Just about every record has been theme-based, so I don’t think there’s any stopping it at this point. But we’re havin’ fun. As long as it turns out in the end the way we had planned it from the beginning, then I’m happy, ya know? I don’t like to think of them as concept records. I’ve never done a full concept record like (THE WHO classic) Tommy. One day I’d like to try, but that’s a whole other ball game. The only way you could really do it right would be to have actors come in and actually play the characters. I don’t know. I’d like to try. We’ll just have to see what happens. I’ve always thought about it, but those things either work or they're horrible."

BZ: What was the main motivation behind the seven year gap between the release of Deal With The Devil and Appointment With Death?

Lizzy Borden: “Well, when we did Deal With The Devil, which was in 2000, we toured for a couple of years off and on. In 2003, we ended up recording a Lizzy Borden record that took a little over a year, but in the end it just didn’t feel like a Lizzy Borden record, so we shelved it. So we wasted about a year and a half there. We didn’t really wanna go right back in and do another Lizzy record, so we created a band called STARWOOD. I’ve always loved CHEAP TRICK and a lot of those bands from the ‘70s that had that hard rock ‘n’ roll vibe with a pop or commercial edge, so we created the band and did a record. We went to Japan, did a little bit of touring here and there and then we went back in to do another Starwood record. Right about the time we had finished it I just had backing vocals to put on it and had to mix it so it would be done, we started wanting to do Lizzy Borden again. We ended up going out last summer with W.A.S.P., did that tour and then came back and started working on this record. This record took a little more time to make, but it needed the time to gel with our new guitar player and the whole thing.”

Go to this location forthe complete interview.

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