Lost And Found To Reissue FORCED ENTRY's As Above, So Below

January 26, 2009, 15 years ago

news forced entry rarities

Lost And Found Records will reissue FORCED ENTRY's As Above, So Below (1991) this spring.

Says the label, "The second release from this Washington thrash band has been out of print for years, and now will see the light of day again! After the success of Century Media's reissue of Uncertain Future demand and interest in As Above So Below has grown."

As Above, So Below tracklisting: 'Bone Crackin' Fever', 'Thunderhead', 'Macrocosm, Microcosm', 'Never A Know, But The No', 'We're Dicks', 'Apathy', 'The Unextinguishable', 'As Of Yesterday', 'When One Becomes Two'', 'How We Spent Our Summer Vacation'.

Further details to follow.

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