MACHINE HEAD's Robert Flynn: "The World Loves That 'Bay Area Crunch'..."

April 11, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news machine head

MACHINE HEAD frontman Robert Flynn has issued the following "Diary" entry:

"The world loves that 'Bay Area Crunch'... GOD DAMN!!!!

I mean, fuckin’ WOW!!!

HOW 'BOUT IT?!?! The Head are the 1st Bay Area "metal" band in the top ANYTHING in probably the last 10 friggin' years, let alone the top 12, 20, 30, 50 of the music charts across the world?!?! Howa-bout-it... The Bay is back on the map!

#54 on the US Billboard charts...?! That’s the highest US charting we've ever had by a long shot, and about 30% more sales than almost every other MH record released in the US including BME, TMTC, SC and TTAOE. Everywhere else in the world, The Blackening was hands-down our biggest 1st-week seller EVER... in the HISTORY of the band!!

And to have the biggest 1st-week sales/highest chartings in the history of the friggin' band... in every country throughout the world... with no video being aired... no "single" at radio... on our 6th friggin' album... which opens with a friggin' 10 1/2 minute song?!?! Well, dear Head-Cases, life is pretty fuckin' sweet! And supposedly the record industry is in a slump?! Shiiiiit, all things considered, things in Machine Head-land are goin' pretty fuckin’ good man. Head-Cases, you motherfuckers went out there and made a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE statement to the world... seriously... I’m not gonna get too brainiac on it, whatever it is...WHAT-EVER it is... YOU-KICK-FUCKING-ASS!!!

And don’t stop now!! Keep spreading the word!!

On a different note, for the "collectors" out there, I was recently made aware of a couple of misprints on the 1st pressing of The Blackening. On the US, International, and 'bonus' versions there is a small glitch on the cover, where somehow the 2 "squiggles" on either side of the album title "gained" a white patch under the bottom 'lip' of each squiggle... apparently a fuck-up by the film separator. All other art (stickers, shirts, posters, ads) have the correct art (if you wanna compare) and all future editions will have the correct cover art. In addition, but limited to just the US version, a mastering credit didn't appear because of timing issues/art deadlines before that final mastering happened (done by the king Eddy Schreyer). All other international formats were able to include the correct mastering credit, however, so this will only need to be corrected for future pressings of the US disc. All little shit no doubt, but cool stuff in case any of you are interested in that kinda stuff. As a collector dork myself, I can relate.

Aesthetics video shoot turned out sweet, very "community" heavy in theme, just a real raw, rugged, street video, very stoked to see the final edit.

LOG tour is over... fuckin' crazy... tour went by SO fast, I can't believe it's been 8 weeks!!! It was amazing, we couldn't have asked to have been on a better tour to set up what will no doubt be an incredible run for us. A loud ass "Cheers Fuckers!" to the LAMB OF GOD camp and crew, the TRIVIUM's and GOJIRA's for making this one of the best tours we've EVER been a part of.

Fuck Yeah!!!!!!!


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