MÅNEGARM Seek Live Session Drummer

May 4, 2007, 17 years ago

news life in black negarm

Sweden's MÅNEGARM check in with the following message:

"Månegarm is serching for an live session drummer. You should live in the area of Stockholm and have quite a lot of earlier live experience. If you are interested and serious contact the band at: moonjarm@hotmail.com ."

Black Lodge Records recently made a new Månegarm track, 'Genom världar nio', available online at this location.

The track is featured on the band's new album, Vargstenen (The Wolfstone), due out through the label today (May 4th) in digi-pack and double-LP formats. This is the first concept album ever made by the band and the story begins with the prologue track 'Frekastein' from the album Vredens Tid (2005).

The tracklist: 'Uppvaknande-Ur Själslig Död', 'Minnen-En Fallen Fader', 'Den Gamle Talar' (Acoustic), 'Genom Världar Nio', 'Visioner På Isen', 'Vargbrodern Talar (Acoustic), 'I Underjorden', 'Nio Dagar, Nio Nätter', 'Vargstenen', 'Vedergällningens Tid', 'Eld' (acoustic).

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