MARGIN OF ERROR Frontman On 'Your Life In Playback Video - "I Wanted To Make The Audience Feel Very Discombobulated, Much Like The Victims I Speak Of On The Record"

May 4, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news margin of error

MARGIN OF ERROR frontman Travis Meyers recently sat down with to discuss the band's new video, 'Your Life In Playback'. An excerpt is available below:

Q: So what kind of response has the video been getting so far?

Meyers: "The video has been getting a solid response with fans and it's reaching a lot of new people in the process. Some are definitely noticing and appreciating the details that connect the video to our record, and that makes me feel great because of how much I care about conceptual continuity."

Q: The clip is really unnerving... there's a lot disorienting touches that create the feeling of being in the control of a madman.

Meyers: "I wanted to make the audience feel very discombobulated, much like the victims I speak of on the record. The video is all over the place, to show how the mind would react to such extreme circumstances. A lot of my ideas were just trying to translate the overall feel of the record to video and bringing it to life. When I wrote the script, I really wanted a very raw and dirty chaotic feel to everything, yet still being a very beautifully shot piece."

Q: Did you come up with some of the visual ideas in the moment, or was it all scripted?

Meyers: "I had an outline of things I wanted to do, but I never let the actress completely in the know about everything, as I wanted a more real reaction during certain moments of filming. I think that it definitely showed in the final cut, and I'm very proud of how well we brought this killer and the entire record to life."

Q: Have you heard any negative reactions to the content?

Meyers: "It's gotten some backlash in terms of the violence level and people who just don't get what we're about. Reaction is reaction. I can appreciate the love and the hate as they both reflect strong responses, which is what we have always been about."

Click here for more. Watch the video for 'Your Life In Playback' below, courtesy of FEARnet.

“This video is extremely accurate to how I wanted this song and the entire record portrayed because I wrote the script, and I am the killer. It really doesn’t get anymore true to itself than that”, said frontman Travis Meyers.

Travis chose long time friend and director Steve Shilson to help bring his vision to life, “Steve was such an easy choice for me. Being friends for so long and him being very talented and familiar with my material I knew that he could understand where my head was creatively. Together this video will be a perfect catastrophe”, further comments Meyers.

Margin Of Error’s new record is a concept record based on the thought process of a serial killer. Even with the extreme content, the reviews have been solid and no one has been able to dispute the depth and detail of this release. The band claims “evil” as a part of their genre, and many would agree that after a further look it seems more than appropriate. With the new music video coming out in April, let’s see if the world is ready for one of the most evil and heavy bands ever to bleed from the surface of the underground.

Screenshots from the video can be seen below:

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