MARK SLAUGHTER Gearing Up For Full Length Solo Album - "I'm Just Going To Throw It Out In The Market And See What Happens"

July 9, 2014, 9 years ago

news mark slaughter rock hard

Jeb Wright at Classic Rock Revisited recently caught up with Slaughter vocalist Mark Slaughter. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

Photo by Carol Anne Szel

Jeb: The big secret is that you’re recording new music for a solo album with famed producer Michael Wagener.

Mark: "I had met Michael Wagener years ago, but we never had a chance to work together. He moved out here pretty much the same time that I did. He moved to Nashville about 1996. We got to know each other through Wolf Hoffmann of Accept, as they are buddies. He had a studio on Wolf’s farm. I was out doing Slaughter stuff and we just kept in touch, as friends. Lo and behold, I started writing new music and I started talking to Michael about it. I told him, 'I have all of this stuff recorded' and he said, 'I would love to mix it.' He is the most trusted ear in the business, as he has about a hundred million pieces of product with his name on it, so I was very thrilled to have him do that. He is able to make things sound like I want them to sound."

Jeb: I have heard the one track that you let me hear…

Mark: "I am letting you know something that is not very well known. I’ve got 10+ songs that I’ve recorded. I’m just going to throw it out in the market and see what happens. I don’t know what labels are even out there anymore, as it is a different time. I am not just going out and putting my demos out there. I am not putting shit out there. These songs have been recorded and mixed properly. However these songs come out, whether they are just digital, or if they become a piece of product, they will come out right. Before I go get a deal, or release it myself, I just want to have an entire body of work done. I don’t want someone to say, “I think you should do this or that.” All of that stuff does not even matter and it doesn’t even apply to the world these days."

Jeb: Why is this a solo Mark Slaughter record instead of Slaughter record?

Mark: "My band has been playing with Vince Neil for a while now. It is no skin off my back. They’ve been out playing with him and while they have been doing that I’ve been writing and recording songs. I have really been doing this for the love of writing music. When I played these songs for people like Michael they said, 'Dude, you’ve got to make a record and get this out there.' I wasn’t going, 'I want to make a record.' It was more that I had a body of work and I just want to get my music out there."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Released back in April, 'Never Givin’ Up' features Mark on vocals, bass and guitars, with drum duties handled by Mark Goodin. Mixed and mastered by legendary producer Michael Wagener, the track salutes the military and all who have served. A portion of the song’s proceeds are going to the Red Circle Foundation, a group that assists families of the US Special Operations Forces. Check it out and purchase a copy using the Amazon widget below.

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