MASTODON On New Album - "We Were Able To Pen Another Tale, And Weave That Tale Throughout The Whole Record"

December 10, 2008, 15 years ago

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MASTODON vocalist / bassist Troy Sanders is featured in a new interview with Anthony Morgan at Lucem Fero. An excerpt appears below:

Q: Could you provide an introduction to Mastodon's fourth studio album, namely Crack the Skye?

A: "Crack the Skye has already been written, and recorded. We're very excited about it's actual release; we're more excited about Crack the Skye than we've been about previous Mastodon albums, so we're extremely anxious for it's street date to finally arrive. Musically, we're very much into Crack the Skye - we love the album. Many of the tracks have opted towards a more classic rock approach, somewhat. Lyrically speaking, we were able to pen another tale, and weave that tale throughout the whole record. Right now, we're just dying for Crack the Skye to be released; people can then hear the album, and we can start performing its material live."

Q: You mentioned the likes of KING CRIMSON as being amongst Mastodon's favourite groups. King Crimson are a more progressive act, so is Crack the Skye a lot more progressive?

A: "Some aspects of Crack the Skye are extremely progressive I think, but I don't feel it's going to be labelled as a progressive rock album. As far as prog rock goes, we all love King Crimson. Roughly ten years ago, our guitarist Brent introduced me to King Crimson. I've fallen in love with the group, and listen to their material all the time. King Crimson are both amazing, and mindblowing."

Read the whole interview at this location.

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