MATT SORUM - "From Today Forward, I Will Not Be Commenting On GUNS N' ROSES"

April 15, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news guns matt sorum roses

In the wake of GUNS N' ROSES induction to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame on April 14th, former G'N'R drummer issued a series of comments via Twitter stating that "From today forward, I will not be commenting on Guns N' Roses. Or making any remarks about the future.

"Thank you to all the fans. The legacy continues without my commentary.

Feel truly blessed today beyond my wildest dreams. I was a kid that just loved rock and roll and never new I would see this. Honored and emotional to the core.

Eternally grateful to Steven Adler for sharing the stage with me. Proud of how far he has come to get to get to the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame. Congrats, my friend. Your music is a piece of rock and roll history.

Let's honor the music and its legacy. This is for how great it was to be in a band with a bunch of pirates!!!! AXL!!!!! AXL!!!!! AXL!!!!

I said I wouldn't comment to the press. I will do whatever I choose on my Twitter. Have already been offered 25 press things today and have turned them all down."

As previously reported, Sorum spoke with Artisan News prior to the induction, saying that a phone call by one of the prominent members may have swayed Axl Rose towards coming to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame ceremony and talks about him getting up to play and GREEN DAY playing Guns N' Roses songs.

"It's cool that I'm gonna be there, but I told Duff (McKagan, ex-Guns N' Roses bassist), 'one of you guys should call Axl.' I know Duff played with him. 'Why don't you call?' Then I talked to Slash. Cause I can't call. I'm way down the ladder. I'm like maybe right where Dizzy (Reed, Guns N' Roses keyboardist) is, maybe just a little bit above. I'm not sure… I said, 'Slash, why don't you call Izzy and then (Duff), you call Axl?' But it didn't happen, I guess. So I'm just gonna go. It would be cool to see. I would be happy to be eating my steak, or whatever they're gonna feed me, watching."

When asked about performing Sorum continued: "I'd rather hand the sticks to Stevie (Adler, ex-Guns N' Roses drummer], actually. 'Cause I'm cool with that. I'll go play cowbell or tambourine… I'll sing the harmonies."

Check out the report below:

Axl Rose's open letter to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame can be read here. It reads in part:

To: The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, Guns N' Roses Fans and Whom It May Concern,

When the nominations for the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame were first announced I had mixed emotions but, in an effort to be positive, wanting to make the most of things for the fans and with their enthusiasm, I was honored, excited and hoped that somehow this would be a good thing. Of course I realized as things stood, if Guns N' Roses were to be inducted it'd be somewhat of a complicated or awkward situation.

Since then we've listened to fans, talked with members of the board of the Hall Of Fame, communicated with and read various public comments and jabs from former members of Guns N' Roses, had discussions with the president of the Hall Of Fame, read various press (some legit, some contrived) and read other artists' comments weighing in publicly on Guns and the Hall with their thoughts.

Under the circumstances I feel we've been polite, courteous, and open to an amicable solution in our efforts to work something out. Taking into consideration the history of Guns N' Roses, those who plan to attend along with those the Hall for reasons of their own, have chosen to include in "our" induction (that for the record are decisions I don't agree with, support or feel the Hall has any right to make), and how (albeit no easy task) those involved with the Hall have handled things... no offense meant to anyone but the Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony doesn't appear to be somewhere I'm actually wanted or respected.

For the record, I would not begrudge anyone from Guns their accomplishments or recognition for such. Neither I or anyone in my camp has made any requests or demands of the Hall Of Fame. It's their show not mine.

That said, I won't be attending The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction 2012 Ceremony and I respectfully decline my induction as a member of Guns N' Roses to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.

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