MEGADETH, AYREON, CAGE Members Celebrate The Season With

December 14, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news ayreon cage megadeth

The festive season is upon us and has approached a number of our favourite metalheads to find out how they celebrate and deal with onslaught of the holidays when they aren't plundering and pillaging the planet! Check out today's trio below:

Shawn Drover (MEGADETH)

Vic Firth ad with my signature drumsticks. September-2009.

What do the holidays mean for you? Do anything special?

"The holiday season is my favorite time of the year and I really have never grown out of the excitement that goes along with Christmas. The excitement now is more directed to my kids of course, but I am still usually the first person to wake up on Christmas day and wake everybody up!!! Being on the road as much as Megadeth is has made me appreciate being home and even more so during the holiday season."

In a perfect world, if you got to play Santa, what would you deliver and to whom?

"Snow to the Atlanta area each Christmas, which is where I live. Being born and raised in Montreal, Quebec I really miss the snow during the holidays."

What's on your 'wish list' this year?

"Continued health and happiness for my entire family and friends. Anything else is just icing on the Christmas cake."


Folky Arjen and his trusty Martin guitar

What do the holidays mean for you? Do anything special?

"Yes, very special. I will be working in my studio during the day and watch DVDs in the evening! Oh wait...that's what I've been doing all year... You mean it's December again?"

In a perfect world, if you got to play Santa, what would you deliver and to whom?

"I'd see to it that the incomplete Firefly TV series finally got finished, and throw in a couple more seasons. Er...or should I have wished for world peace?"

What's on your "wish list" this year?

"A brand new Star One album in the charts everywhere! And a new Dexter season of course. Oh, and World Peace."

Sean Peck (CAGE)

What do the holidays mean for you? Do anything special?

"As I get older I appreciate the family gatherings and am very thankful for being blessed with such good fortune in all facets of my life including our band that is still going 16 years strong.

In a perfect world, if you got to play Santa, what would you deliver and to whom?

"I would give the world a clue and have everyone reject rap music for being a no talent genre of self worshiping; 'look at how rich I am glorifying, third grade vocabulary rhyming, one beat one melody per song delivering, can’t sing or dance or play any musical instrument sucking, sorry excuse for music.' There I said it."

What's on your 'wish list' this year?

"A super computer that can aid in our metal global domination! (I have everything else!)"

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