MEGADETH - Dave Mustaine Checks In

August 14, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news megadeth

MEGADETH leader Dave Mustaine checks in with the following update:


I found a call sheet from a contest we had last year and there were seven (7) names on there that I was to call to congradulate on being runners up... and I just plain forgot. Yep, amidst the million things I have to do whilst on tour or in the studio or while recovering from a road trip, I forgot.

So, tomorrow I will be calling Amanda Dixon - Rockchickbabe; Gwen Partlow - Lady G; Liam Robinson - Jotun; Eric Jeffery - ejeffrey; Jeff Payne - klssrfr; Chad (the monkey guy) - Aim Baby; and Belinda - Drache.

This may take a few times to try and get it right, but I will be calling and I will be doing it from our new studio, so you may hear Justis shredding in the background or Brandon or Jeff or any of the guys here working with me. The band guys are taking a much needed break... from me!

Lasty, I am in the middle of some intense house-cleaning at the studio and there will be tons of stuff that will be sorted before we start the next record. So, that means loads of kewl stuff for EBay. There is also going to be a lot of the "much needed" fixes that our beloved webmaster has been asking about, but I was just not aware of how important it was; stuff like the official sites, forums, and the desperately overdue fanclub issues matters very much to me.

I hope you dig what we do to improve things around here with the help and input from our webmasters, our SLs, and YOU!"

As previously reported by "Gamers in need of a good face melting will be in for a treat with next week's Rock Band DLC update. It features the Roadrunner 6 Pack, a collection of metal more harsh than biting down on a ball of aluminum foil. It's that intense. The six pack of tracks will sell at 480 Microsoft Points or $5.99 actual bucks, with each track available for 80 MSP or $0.99. It's a time limited offer, as these tracks go up to $1.99 next month or 800 MSP / $9.99 for the full six-pack.

Roadrunner 6 Pack:

'Runnin’ Wild' by AIRBOURNE

'Clouds Over California' by DEVILDRIVER

'Constant Motion' by DREAM THEATER


'Aesthetics Of Hate' by MACHINE HEAD

'Sleepwalker' by MEGADETH

Watch for 'em at a digital distribution venue near you, starting next Tuesday."

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