MELIAH RAGE Mainman Anthony Nichols On New Material - "The Songs Are Little Meaner And Seem To Have More Of A Solitary Solitude Style To Them"

October 15, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news meliah rage

MELIAH RAGE mainman/guitarist Anthony Nichols has sent BW&BK; the following studio update:

"First off I have to mention our new producer Rich Spillberg. Rich is the former guitarist of Boston metal legends WARGASM and has turned his attention to producing (Rich produced the new STEEL ASSASSIN record and it's amazing!). I'm usually the one who spends every second making sure everything is done according to plan. Well after this past weekends sessions I had the pleasure of actually leaving the studio to go watch football while Rich was recording drums with Stu (Dowie). Rich's attention to detail is second to none and he can go 24/7! I/we have total confidence in him!!!

As we've mentioned in the past the record is a bit different than the past two recordings. The songs are little meaner and seem to have more of a Solitary Solitude style to them. We also plan to shoot two videos for the project and include them in a dvd that will come with the record. The dvd will feature all of our videos going back to 1988 and have some recording and live footage also. Also METAL CHURCH vocalist Ronny Munroe will be flying out in the next few weeks to make a guest appearance on the record. We spent almost an entire month on a tour bus with him this past January and became friends in about 10 minutes. Ronny was given an entire song to sing on and write the lyrics to. The song is called 'Last Rites' and we're honored to have him on the record. And finally we will be laying low on the live front for the next four or five months to concentrate on the new recording. The record will be released in late spring/early summer and that should lead to some North American touring and some European shows."

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