MEMORY GARDEN Offer Year-End Update

December 26, 2006, 17 years ago

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Simon Johansson, guitarist for Swedish doom metallers MEMORY GARDEN has issued the following update:

"Well, what can I say... 2006 was (is) the year when we secured a new deal for Memory Garden. We also managed to finish the recording and mix of the new album Carnage Carnival as well as putting together the re-issues of our two since long sold-out albums Tides and Forever. We are finally out of the darkness...or maybe not...:)

We wish to say Merry X-mass and a Happy New Year to all of you and also wish to thank all of our fans that stuck with us through all the years... 2007 will for sure be a year when more things happen for Memory Garden.

We also would like to thank Mike for all the help with everything and of course our new label Vic Records and Roel for believing in our thing.

Skål för helvete!"

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