"Metal Mike" Chlasciak Clears Up MEGAROCK and Dexter's Benefit Show Involvement

January 31, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news megarock

HALFORD/ PAINMUSEUM guitarist "Metal Mike" Chlasciak checks in with the following update:

""Dear friends. It has reached me that I have been announced as a member of a new all- star heavy metal cover band called MEGAROCK. This is a rumor and holds no truth.

I have agreed to be in some way or form involved in a benefit show to help save one of New Jersey's rock/ metal venues called Dexter's. I belive in live music and when I also found out that proceeds will also go to the Autism and Special Needs Foundation, I was on board quickly.

I will go up and jam a couple of songs with Megarock as a guest that evening only and I do hope that anyone that is there will enjoy themselves tremendously. I know everyone in Megarock especially Mike LePond of SYMPHONY X, who has helped my band PainmuseuM on several live dates. JACK FROST is also another good friend of mine and I think it will great to do some headbanging with my friends.

However, I'm in the process of developing several new records and a DVD release and have no other immediate plans.

Thanks and Horns Up".

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