"Metal Mike" Chlasciak Plans January Metal Day Event At Aarius Studios, New Jersey

January 21, 2009, 15 years ago

news riff notes

HALFORD/ PAINMUSEUM guitarist "Metal Mike" Chlasciak checks in with the following update:

"Metal men and women,

I wanted to let you all know that on Saturday, January 31st, I'll be leading another Metal Day event at NJ's state of the art facility Aarius Studios, located in Seyreville, NJ.

What Metal Day is, is a one day only coaching environment for metallers of all ages. It's You and Me - One on One - working on your abilities that include technique, coordination, licks, tricks, band rehearsal tips. Each session is tailored to your liking and needs. Meet other guitar players that like the same style of music that you do - and throw out your boring Mel Bay books in the trash - prepare to rock!

In addition you'll get goodies from manufacturers that I endorse - all wrapped up into a fun day.

Last but not least - everybody walks about with the latest PainmuseuM You Have The Right To Remain Violent EP and Halford Resurrection World Tour - Live At Rock In Rio III Radio Promotional disc.

If you are interested, e-mail us here at CMM for no obligation info. E-mail us at CmmEnt@Planetshred.com with a heading JANUARY METAL DAY. Space is limited.

See ya then."

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