MORPHINE KILLER - New Interview Available, New Song Streaming On MySpace

May 4, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news morphine killer

Southern California metal duo MORPHINE KILLER are featured in a new interview with Daniel Morrison at Alternative Revolt Magazine. An excerpt is available below.

Q: It’s hard for me to pinpoint certain styles even though your music hits me in a good spot. I have this intuitive feeling that you’re more than what you seem. So, in your own words, who and what really is Morphine Killer?

Eski: "As Morphine Killer, we don't feel that we're limited to a certain musical genre. As we become more mature artists, we are constantly learning from around us and evolving, and trying to show that evolution through songs. With Morphine Killer only being a two person project, we are able to directly influence our music with our own personalities."

Q: What do each of you think Morphine Killer has that the other projects you were a part of didn’t have?

Belle: "Flexibility, time and technology. In addition, we have a commitment to each other, and that reassures Morphine Killer will always be around."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Morphine Killer have begun working on their full length follow-up to 2009's Nightmares EP. The CD will be produced once again by Morphine Killer, and will be released on Final Breath Records in Winter of 2010. Visit their MySpace page to hear the new song 'Throw It All Away'.

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