MUTINY WITHIN Check In From The Studio

December 22, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news mutiny within

MUTINY WITHIN have checked in with the following update:

"Hey everyone, we're finally in Florida and it's really great. The weather is warm and the people are awesome. We might get a break next week, so we're considering going to Universal Studios. I also want to bet on some Jai-Alai games before we leave.

Bill has already recorded eight songs and we're hoping to get the other seven done today. Jason Suecof and Mark Lewis have been awesome, the drum sound is killer and they're really getting the best performance out of Bill.

All of the other instruments and vocals will be tracked at Audio Hammer Studios, but we've been recording the drums at Big Shot Music Studios. The staff is great here and we've been having a lot of fun. We've been filming everything and should have some videos up soon for you guys to check out. But for now, check out these pictures.

More on Mutiny Within at the band's MySpace page.

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