NAPALM DEATH Vocalist Barney Greenway: "We Try To Look At Things With Logic And Compassion"

March 8, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news napalm death

Imhotep has issued an interview with NAPALM DEATH singer Barney Greenway, conducted by Andreas Aubert. The following is an excerpt:

One thing that sets Napalm Death apart from many death metal bands is that the band has a message.

Barney explains: “We try to look at things with logic and compassion, whether that makes us different from anyone else or not. The whole point is not to intentionally be different or separate us self from anyone else. The aim with every release is to create something really unique.”

What kind of reactions have you got throughout the years to your music, from people who do not listen to this kind of music?

“Some people of course do not understand it at all, some people hate it, and of course some people who do not agree with us have tried to get to us at certain times. We had a situation in Oslo actually, many years ago when the whole inner circle stuff was going on. They tried to attack us, but I am not scared of them. I might sound a little naïve, but I am not scared of anyone. They can do what they want to me, of course they can probably knock me down, but it does not make me feel intimidated or scared.”

Read the full story here.

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