NASUM Guitarist To Release Live Material, Looking For Australian Contact And Server Space

June 27, 2005, 19 years ago

hot flashes news nasum

NASUM guitarist Anders Jakobson has posted the following news at the band's official website:

"Today I got a very appreciated package from Denmark with Nasum's three shows from Japan January 2004 on CD. Our Danish sound engineer Bo Lund has really taken his time sending me these CD's but, boy, was it worth the wait!

I remember quite clearly how we sat in a hotel corridor in Osaka listening to the show we did just hours before by passing around Bo's mini-discplayer and headphones and just DIED by the great quality of the sound! It was really releaseable (is that a word?).

I've just recently listened through that recording and it's without doubt the best live recording of Nasum that I have heard. It captures the massive sound we had live and the takes sound pretty OK as well.

I will soon pick out the best stuff, polish it a little bit and prepare it for release. The idea is to do a live split with Napalm Death (also recorded at the same tour), but I don't know when and how it's going to be released. I know Shane wants to release it on the FETO label. We'll see.

I will share a track or two in a couple of days so you can hear for yourself how great this MINIDISC RECORDING (!) actually sounds!"

In the meantime...

"I'm looking for two things:

1) I'm looking for an Australian fellow called Yeap (I'm guessing it's a nickname). Yeap had a good contact with Mieszko regarding possible videos and I want to get in touch with Yeap or someone who knows him.

2) I'm looking for someone who can lend me some server space (on a server with excellent uptime). Since the move to a new server in April/May I haven't got unlimited server space anymore so I need help with hosting some larger Nasum files, video clips to be exact. Please get in touch."

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