NINTH CIRCLE Returns To The Studio

January 20, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news ninth circle

The Los Angeles power metal trio NINTH CIRCLE are returning to the studio February 4th to begin recording the follow up to their 2008 The Power Of One record. This news was confirmed today by DJ Gary Clark on Rockulus Maximus on 102.5 FM Caithness radio in Scotland who received first hand information from bassist Frank Forray.

"We are proud to announce that after months of writing, rehearsing and few shows in between, that Ninth Circle will begin recording the next record on February 4th", explains bassist Frank Forray. "We will again be working with producer and friend Jeff Prentice who recorded 2008's The Power Of One. In addition we will also be using the assistance of producer Rich Wenzel of Ardent Studios to produce the drum tracks. Rich comes highly recommended to us by close friends of our previous producer, Bill Krodel who passed away a few years back. Billy was an important piece of the Ninth Circle family, as is Jeff Prentice, so it was important to us to use some one who was in our network and Rich was that guy. We are excited to be working with Rich this time around."

Forray goes on to explain what to expect this time around, "for this record we had written over 20 songs and narrowed it down to the best 13. Dennis and I often refer to The Power Of One record as our Hysteria because took over two years to record and boat load of money to produce. We were locked away in a studio with Jeff Prentice in Redondo Beach, CA for two years perfecting that record. We had a lot of fun, learned a lot and had many sleepless nights figuring out a direction production-wise for each song and you can definitely hear it on that record. This time around we will be spending a shorter amount of time recording this record. This will also be our first record with Dave Davis behind the drums so than will provide us with a different type of engine to push the songs forward. Also we have spent time selecting the right songs that will give the next record a distinct identity from The Power Of One. When we began writing the next record we decided that we were not interested recording The Power Of One II, though this not to say the elements of what make up great Ninth Circle will not be there. This next record is guaranteed to be heavier, faster, melodic and more dynamic than that last one without doubt!"

"Touring for The Power Of One record," Forray continues "gave us a chance to play with so many great bands that had influenced us during our formative years as musicians, such as Y&T;, Dokken, MSG, Mr Big, Primal Fear and on and on, and we learned a lot from those guys in terms of song writing and watching it on stage night after night. We wanted to take elements of those melodic heavy bands and capture that spirit of metal! When we began writing for this record the songs just seem to flow naturally for us. Dave brings a great sense of melody and arrangement, and another dynamic song writer. So I have no doubt this next record will blow our fans away! You are going to see Ninth Circle push the boundaries of our musical abilities and give you the best Ninth Circle to date."
"Earlier in the week and I had a brief conversation with Gary Clark of Rockulus Maximus on 102.5 Caithness FM to give him the heads up with the band so he can break the news first! He supported us so we thought it would be nice for our UK fans to hear the news first on the radio! As you can tell the entire band, crew and support team is excited about the new record!"

The band will be entering the studio on February 4th and will be providing updates on their progress in the studio over the following months. Stay tuned for more updates from Ninth Circle.

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