NON-FICTION - Q&A With Vocalist Alan Tecchio

September 29, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news non fiction

New Jersey's NON-FICTION are performing their first show together in ten years, on Saturday, November 7th, at Dingbatz in Clifton. NJ. Advance tickets are for sale now at

Below is a Q&A; with vocalist Alan Tecchio:

Q: How are the Non-Fiction rehearsals going for the reunion show at Dingbatz ?

A: "They are going great. It is like putting on an old glove-the fit is just fantastic and natural. Once we launched into the old songs it sounded pretty damn solid even though we have not played together in ten years. Admittedly, with each jam it is getting tighter but we played these songs a lot for a long time back in the 90's and they are in our blood at this point."

Q: What goes through your mind when you jam old songs with people you haven't played with together for ten years?

A: "The songs bring back a lot of memories as to where my head was at back then. Now I have a wonderful wife and two amazing children and a career I truly dig. Back then I was living hand-to-mouth and had a totally different outlook on life. Playing with these guys reminds me of the struggles and challenges we endured together."

Q: Almost twenty years since you formed, does time give you perspective as to why you guys never "made it"??

A: "Not really. I don't think there is ever a single reason for that regardless of how much time you have to think about it. It just is what it is. We could have toured more perhaps but you just never know what the secret is to breaking big."

Q: Favorite songs to play live?

A: "'Somehow', 'The My Way', 'First And Lasting Impressions'... I like them all but those stand out as faves for sure."

Q: Besides the NF reunion, what are you doing musically?

A: "I have my own band on Rock Ridge Music called AUTUMN HOUR and I start tracking vocals for a Hungarian band called MINDS MIRRORS this week. That is just a one-off prog-metal project though."

More on Non-Fiction at this location.

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