Norway's Inferno Festival - TROLL, UNEARTHLY TRANCE Confirmed

October 1, 2008, 16 years ago

troll news life in black unearthly trance

2009 installment of the Inferno Festival will take place in Oslo, Norway from April 8th - 11th at the following venues: Rockefeller, John Dee, Sentrum Scene, Garage, Rock In and Blå. 40 artists will appear at the event in total.

Organizers have confirmed two more acts: TROLL and UNEARTHLY TRANCE. Their appearances are described as follows:

Troll: "Drep de kristne – Kill the christians.” Troll exclaimed in 1996 – and now they’re back! If not kill, then certainly to slightly annoy the Christians with their live set at the Inferno Festival 2009. Started as far back as in 1992, Troll released four albums before taking a long break from 2001 until last year. Now Nagash and his fellow Trolls are back with a vengeance – and ready to play live for the first time EVER!!

Unearthly Trance: This trio of doom from Brooklyn, New York will satisfy both black metallers, sludge fans and doomsters alike, having played with bands as diverse as Morbid Angel, Sunn 0))) and Warhorse, to mention a few. Their latest album Electrocution earned them the moniker The CELTIC FROST of doom. Unearthly Trance will rip your lungs out, play them like a bagpipe, make it sound fantastic - and you’ll love it so much that you’ll buy the album.

CARPATHIAN FOREST, KEEP OF KALESSIN are also confirmed for the festival.

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